Saturday, April 25, 2009


Toyota (or Subaru), did not mention specific, except in the press release, this will be based on a new platform from Fuji Heavy horizontal - opposed Boxer engine and rear-wheel drive, and should arrive in dealer Up to the end of 2011.
New compact sports sedan will be described as both Toyota and Fuji Heavy will be built in the Subaru, but the upcoming construction of the Gunma plant. In return for the construction of Toyota’s’ fun to drive ‘compact car, Subaru will be small cars on the OEM (original equipment manufacturer) basis, from Toyota and micro-car (sub-660 cc engine) on the basis of OEM, Daihatsu, a subsidiary of Toyota.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Future Exotic

Luxury Cars: Koenigsegg manufactures exclusive super sports cars for a select elite of enthusiasts. Space age materials and uncompromising quality both in finish and function make these cars among the very best in the automotive history. They reach higher top speeds and are more powerful than any other series-produced car today. Three models are currently in production; the CC8S, 806 hp CCR, and now the magnificent CCX which is engineered to comply with US regulations and market demand. Each Koenigsegg models are built to excel on the road or racetrack, yet are still highly comfortable for long distance traveling.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Graphical Modified



lxrs Car

007 CAR


Hot Vibrant Drive

Hot Yellow Super Car

Monday, April 6, 2009

White owsome

Sexiest car on earth

Peugeot 402

One of the most creative car design concepts in decades, the organically-shaped 4002 is both futuristic as well as replete with styling cues from Peugeots of the past, such as the headlights behind the radiator grille that was seen in the Peugeot 402 of the 1930s.

Hydrogen Car



A beautiful hot euro girl with owsome exotic car

Red n Black


Best luxurious car in the world


Bughati, One of the best exotic car.


Ultimate Aero

The Shelby Super Cars Ultimate Aero electric car offers the top speed of 220 mph and at least 500-HP. This is amazing! This electric car will be available for only 50 units. The Ultimate Aero EV prototype will be ready by February and the company plans to release four production models by December this year. The company describes it as a “pollution-free, engineering marvel with an exotic supercar exterior

Red Beauty

White Exotic

Ultra Exotic car

Car Babes

Car Babes
Tuning cars is similar to rock and roll in which many guys get into it for the babes. Just like many girls love rock musicians, there are plenty of girls out there that are turned on by guys that work on and drive high performance cars. Car tuning almost guarantees attracting attention to your vehicle, whether through a flashy body kit or a cool sounding muffler, heads will definitely turn when you tune cars for fun. Did you ever notice that there is always a beautiful girl standing next to a high performance car- this is not a coincidence.

Best Blacky

Exotic cars are the ultimate in tuned cars. These vehicles come straight out of the factory tuned to perfection. While we all can’t afford exotic cars, many car tuning hobbyists create their own. In fact, with the right tuning car parts, know- how and maintenance, you can easily surpass the performance of even the most expensive and rarest vehicles on the road. also recognizes that the vast majority of exotic cars are also a hot bed of innovative performance engineering. Most car tuners keep track of what many exotic car manufacturers are creating, which is why some of the best tuning car technology trickles down to the aftermarket companies and to car tuning enthusiasts usually in short period of time. Within a year or two or sometimes within a few short months, your stock car can enjoy some of the high performance perks that in the past only the most expensive and rarest vehicles enjoyed.


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